Heart of Lincoln Square Neighbors Association

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Board meeting: December 8, 2020


HOLS board meeting 

Date: Tuesday, December 8th, 2020

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Where: Via Zoom


Tom Adam

Ashley   Allen

Paige John


Old business

  1. How is everyone? 

    1. Allen is dressed as Santa Claus

    2. Christmas will be a bit different this year

  2. Any updates on anything?

    1. Even with the pandemic still in full force, people are adapting and some things are starting to pick up again

  3. Financials: 

    1. Still trying to get cosigners for the account, transition is still in progress. 

    2. Annual Report needs to be filed with the state

    3. Brief statement with IRS to maintain status

    4. Currently about $2K in funds

New business

  1. Promote small business holiday shopping? 

  2. Take photos of the neighborhood to promote small business shopping 



  1. Save the Canopy 

    1. Bugs threatening to kill all ash trees in neighborhood, which is a very significant portion of the trees. 

    2. Non-profit is working to try to save these trees. Team up?

    3. Could get community involved in identifying all the ash trees, “adopt a tree” 

  2. Upcoming meeting

          1.Virtual meeting to discuss with the non-profit group next week

3. Any new projects?

Cleanup happened, there was some confusion with the alderman’s office.

Had 3-4 people for each zone.

Idea for putting an artistic bench near the meat market. Cost was estimated at $10K.

Pastores brunch owner may not want the bench, plans for patio seating. 

Planning & Development

  1. Development at Eastwood & Western

    Former printing company building?

    Idea is the design will match the adjacent building

    Will include 

    1. Leland Greenway Project

    2. federally funded project

    3. Accommodations for bike ways, Clark to Rockwell

    4. low stress east to west bike pathway to connect to bike paths on the river


  1. Events

  2. Winter outreach ideas?

  3. Donor match: We present two charitable organizations and match donations up to $250.00 each ($500 match total)

    Options include Lawrence Hall; Friendship Center; My Block My Hood My City; and Igrow

    Discussed having donations added to membership renewal, but decided against idea

  1. Folded Map Project

    1. Idea is to explore your “sister block” and explore the neighborhood on the opposite side of the city. 

    2. i.e. if you folded the city map in half, the block that would meet your block

Special reach out to Farmer’s Market volunteers? 

Paige offered to work on something to send 


  1. Elections? 

    1. All online due to present situation.

    2. Election  via Zoom. January 19th 7:00pm

    3. Up for election: Adam, Paige, Jon, Allen. One open spot. 

    4. Other members committed to staying on the position. Jon offered to see if anyone wanted to take on his role as president. Emily not present. 

  2. Plans for next year? 

    1. Difficult to predict how things we’ll be with the pandemic

    2. Involve 40th ward more, including the alderman in terms of developments and projects